Kidsafe Victoria E-News June 2021

While the end of June marks the conclusion of National Burns Awareness month, the cold winter weather is here to stay for another couple of months. Don’t forget to check out our wealth of tips regarding Burns prevention and treatment, as well as downloading our Burns Safety Checklist. As we approach the end of the […]
My scars are a part of me, but they do not define me – Childhood candle burn injury

Shennel Martin has joined forces with Kidsafe to share her story as part of National Burns Awareness Month and help raise awareness of burns prevention. Nearly twenty-six years ago in the small coastal town of Port Fairy, eight-year-old Shennel was happily playing in her room. She had lit her first communion candle […]
My scars are a part of me, but they do not define me – Childhood candle burn injury caused third-degree burns to over 40% of her body

Shennel Martin has joined forces with Kidsafe to share her story as part of National Burns Awareness Month and help raise awareness of burns prevention. Nearly twenty-five years ago in the small coastal town of Port Fairy, eight-year-old Shennel was happily playing in her room. She had lit her first communion candle […]