Sport and Play

Injuries can occur during play which means that safety precautions do need to be taken into consideration.

Play is an essential part of childhood; it helps children to develop physical strength, coordination and balance. Appropriate play can also provide children with opportunities to learn and develop:

• Social skills, including learning to communicate, share, collaborate and empathise with others.

• Imagination and creativity through deciding what games they play and how the games will be played.

• Problem solving skills as they assess risks and tackle new challenges.

• A sense of self as they master new skills and play with other children which brings about an improved confidence in their own physical and social abilities, and;

• A sense of connection to place, to friends and to their local community and environment.

Injuries can occur during play which means that safety precautions do need to be taken into consideration. However, safe play does not have to mean boring! Play should provide children with a fun and exciting experience that allows them to explore and challenge themselves.

The information in this section provides a range of practical resources and advice to help you create fun, challenging and safe play environments for children of all ages.