Kidsafe Victoria E-News June 2022

We are soooooo excited this month to launch our new Baby Safety Guide! We are launching just to you, our subscribers at this stage and would love your feedback. This project has been a long time in the making and is designed to make life easier for first time parents and carers. You can find […]
Kidsafe Victoria E-News May 2022

It has been a big month for the team, culminating in National Kidsafe Day tomorrow (May 24th) and our inaugural Gala Ball on Saturday (May 28th). On National Kidsafe Day, we’re asking you to #betheonetomakethechange and ensure that we prevent life changing injuries to the children in our lives. Read the stories below about 5 […]
What’s the most likely cause of accidental poisoning for your child?

[Image Source: Canva] If you have a toddler, you may have noticed that they love to place everything that they find in their mouths, no matter what the object is. Aside from the inconvenience of every item in your home being covered in drool, this natural curiosity and eagerness to explore can also lead […]
Kidsafe Victoria E-News April 2022

I hope you have all enjoyed some precious time with family over the Easter/ school holidays/ Greek Easter/ ANZAC day periods this month. You may have seen our General Manager, Jason Chambers, popping up across different media outlets across the month, talking about how over 9 in 10 child car restraints that we have checked […]
Kidsafe Victoria E-News March 2022

It’s hard to believe that there is only one more week until school holidays start – it feels like the kids just went back to onsite learning! This month we were grateful to Brooke for sharing her story as part of our water hazards campaign. If you have 3 minutes, watch her video now – […]
10 years on from the day Brooke’s Mum drowned, she almost lost her toddler in a drowning incident

When you consider potential drowning hazards for children, you may think about the need to be vigilant when they are at the beach, near a swimming pool, or perhaps out by a river. Many people consider these locations to be dangerous because they are large bodies of water with unpredictable elements such as rips, currents […]
Kidsafe Victoria E-News February 2022

What a weekend we had at the Pregnancy, Baby and Children’s Expo after a long wait! We had a great time meeting so many families and are looking forward to supporting you all in your parenting / caring journey. We have a packed e-news for you this month – we are excited to launch our […]
How life can change in an instant

How life can change in an instant and how you can minimise the risk [Source: Pixabay] Whether it is sand, toys, other peoples fingers, dirt or random things that they find on the floor, toddlers love to put anything they find into their mouths. For them, this is the way that they explore all of […]