June 6, 2017
Top 5 Tips for Winter Safety

top 5 tips

1. Hot drinks and young children don’t mix

Hot drinks and cooking oils are the most common cause of scald injuries to young children. These scalds usually occur when a child pulls a cup down on themselves, or they pull on an item like a table cloth that causes a drink to fall. When warming up with a hot drink this winter, be sure to keep your mug in the centre of the table or bench so that a child can’t pull it down. Always put down your tea or coffee when nursing infants to avoid being knocked and spilling hot liquid onto the baby. More tips for preventing burns and scalds.

2. No extra blankets in the cot

While we adults like to pile on the blankets during winter, remember that doonas, sheepskins or extra blankets should never be placed inside a cot. Extra bedding can cover a baby’s face and cause suffocation. During the colder months, dress your baby in warmer sleep-clothes, or consider using an infant sleeping bag with a fitted neck to avoid having to use a blanket. More tips on safe sleeping.

3.Set your water temperature to a maximum of 50 degrees

Did you know that at 60 degrees, water can cause a serious burn within one second? Take the temperature down to 50 degrees and it takes 5 minutes. Having a plumber set your water temperature to a maximum of 50 degrees can protect your child from a serious burn injury and potentially life-long scarring. More tips for preventing burns and scalds.

4. Secure your Television

There is a television in almost every home, but not many people are aware of the risk that our TVs can pose to curious young kids. Every year, many children are seriously injured from furniture or appliances falling onto them. The majority of these incidents involve children who are under four years of age. Unstable furniture like TVs and drawers should be secured to the wall with anchors or brackets. These items can be purchased from your local hardware or appliance store. This ten minute task could save a child’s life. More tips on TV and furniture safety.

5. Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless gas that can have potentially fatal affects. Gas appliances should be checked regularly, as per the manufacturer’s instructions. Energy Safe Victoria recommends having your gas heaters checked by a professional once every two years at minimum. Visit the Chase and Tyler Foundation website for more advice on preventing carbon monoxide poisoning.

For more tips on how to prepare your home for a safe winter, please visit http://dev.kidsafevic.com.au/wp-content/uploads/attachments/Winter_Tune-up.pdf

What else do you do to make your home safe for winter?