Kidsafe Victoria E-News May 2022

It has been a big month for the team, culminating in National Kidsafe Day tomorrow (May 24th) and our inaugural Gala Ball on Saturday (May 28th). On National Kidsafe Day, we’re asking you to #betheonetomakethechange and ensure that we prevent life changing injuries to the children in our lives. Read the stories below about 5 […]
Kidsafe Victoria E-News December 2021

It’s hard to believe this year is almost over – we hope you are all making plans to take time out and look after yourselves. Coming up to the festive session, we have a couple of child safety reminders: – check presents or cards for button batteries and magnets and make sure these are secure […]
Kidsafe Victoria E-News November 2021

It’s hard to believe that Melbourne has only been open for a few short weeks and that the festive season is just around the corner. It has been refreshing to have visitors, playdates and from our perspective at Kidsafe – to re-commence our accredited child car restraint training and community organisation education sessions. Last week […]
Kidsafe Victoria E-News October 2021

With stay-at-home directions easing, schools re-opening and the ability to see more friends and family in person – not to mention some great weather – the mood in Victoria has certainly become more upbeat. Not everyone will be rushing to gather in crowds straight away – or wanting to have people hug and kiss their […]
Kidsafe Victoria E-News September 2021

Lockdowns, an earthquake and watching two Melbourne teams play an interstate grand final – it has been a long couple of months for Victorian families, who have done an amazing job in such difficult circumstances. For those who felt their homes move in the earthquake, it’s a good time to double check if any appliances […]
Kidsafe Victoria E-News August 2021
You may have recently seen in the news a child was saved by their quick thinking mum as they choked on a piece of food. They were having breakfast – an everyday occurrence – and if not for the mum’s close supervision and knowledge of first aid, it could have been a life changing moment […]