Kidsafe Victoria E-News July 2022

As we shiver our way through a particularly cold Melbourne winter, we want to issue an important warning for families. We are again spending more time at home – whether through sickness or choice – and have seen what has happened in these conditions in the last two years. 29 families lost their children to […]
Eight Victorian children treated in hospital every week due to farm injuries

Rise in injuries prompts call for measure two out of three farming families don’t have in place Kidsafe Victoria is urging parents and carers on farms to take urgent action and set up safe play areas, in a bid to reduce the number of unintentional childhood injuries and deaths. The call comes as statistics […]
Kidsafe Victoria E-News June 2022

We are soooooo excited this month to launch our new Baby Safety Guide! We are launching just to you, our subscribers at this stage and would love your feedback. This project has been a long time in the making and is designed to make life easier for first time parents and carers. You can find […]
How do you explain to a 3-year-old why she can’t go outside and play?

Every week over 19 children are admitted to burns units across Australia and New Zealand. The location where over three quarters (76%) of these burn and scald injuries occur is the place we all believe should be the safest – our homes. Last June we shared a story about one of these children – little […]

[Pictured: Milla today] Milla was eight years old when she suffered severe burns to her lower body. On this particular day, she came home from a party feeling hungry, so she did what she’s done many times before and prepared herself one of her favourite snacks – some instant noodles. Usually, Milla would sit up […]
Kidsafe Victoria warns hot water burns like fire

Every week, over 19 children are treated at a specialist burns unit across Australia and New Zealand Kidsafe, in partnership with the Australian & New Zealand Burn Association (ANZBA), is urging parents and carers to be extra vigilant this winter to prevent burns, and ensure they are aware of the correct first aid steps for […]
The burn you never saw coming

When we think about preventing burns, the potential hazards that come to mind are usually fire and heat sources such as stovetops, boiling water, hot food or drink and anything with a flame. But friction can also create painful burns as Mum of three, Bianca, discovered. Bianca is sharing her story about the seemingly unlikely […]
Kidsafe Victoria E-News May 2022

It has been a big month for the team, culminating in National Kidsafe Day tomorrow (May 24th) and our inaugural Gala Ball on Saturday (May 28th). On National Kidsafe Day, we’re asking you to #betheonetomakethechange and ensure that we prevent life changing injuries to the children in our lives. Read the stories below about 5 […]
Every week, three Australian children die due to preventable injuries

Kidsafe Victoria charity calls on the community to #betheonetomakethechange Kidsafe Victoria has launched their heartfelt ‘The One’ campaign to raise awareness of child injury in the lead up to National Kidsafe Day. The campaign features families whose children have lost their lives due to preventable injury. Sadly, despite no one ever thinking it could happen […]
Kidsafe Victoria E-News April 2022

I hope you have all enjoyed some precious time with family over the Easter/ school holidays/ Greek Easter/ ANZAC day periods this month. You may have seen our General Manager, Jason Chambers, popping up across different media outlets across the month, talking about how over 9 in 10 child car restraints that we have checked […]