Kidsafe Victoria E-News June 2022

We are soooooo excited this month to launch our new Baby Safety Guide! We are launching just to you, our subscribers at this stage and would love your feedback. This project has been a long time in the making and is designed to make life easier for first time parents and carers. You can find […]
Kidsafe Victoria warns hot water burns like fire

Every week, over 19 children are treated at a specialist burns unit across Australia and New Zealand Kidsafe, in partnership with the Australian & New Zealand Burn Association (ANZBA), is urging parents and carers to be extra vigilant this winter to prevent burns, and ensure they are aware of the correct first aid steps for […]
Kidsafe Victoria E-News June 2021

While the end of June marks the conclusion of National Burns Awareness month, the cold winter weather is here to stay for another couple of months. Don’t forget to check out our wealth of tips regarding Burns prevention and treatment, as well as downloading our Burns Safety Checklist. As we approach the end of the […]