In August 2020, 2 year old Hunter Boyle was happily feeding horses on his Grandfather’s farm in Shepparton. The cheeky toddler loved to visit his Grandfather and spend time playing and looking at the moon. He had a smile that would light up the room and everyone was taken by his cheerful, happy nature.


On this cold August day, Hunter silently fell into a nearby dam and drowned. His family’s lives were changed forever.


In the depths of their despair, Hunter’s parents, family, and friends were driven to make a difference for others and had a dream to establish a program that would provide children in need, within the Goulburn Valley region, with critical swimming lessons and water safety education. From this dream, The Hunter Boyle Children’s Swim Program was launched in partnership with Kidsafe Victoria. 


What started as a program to provide 10 local children in need with swimming lessons has expanded with the generosity of the local community who have supported and assisted to self-fund the program activities. To date, the program has provided over 40 children with free swimming lessons and equipment including bathers, goggles, towels and swim bags, and 6 swim teacher scholarships to help address the shortage of swim teachers in the region.


The Hunter Boyle Children’s Swim Program demonstrates the hope that can arise from the tragedies Kidsafe aims to prevent – it shows how communities can come together to make positive changes, and overall, help make sure no other family experiences what Ash and Matt’s is.

This year, we have an exciting opportunity to continue to prevent child drownings in Victoria by providing life saving swimming lessons to families for free. Your support, no matter how big or small, can help us to make a difference.

Night Night Moon gala ball

We are excited to announce the 2025 Night Night Moon Gala to be held at GV Shepparton on Saturday 1st March, 2025. If you would like to become a sponsor or support the event, please contact Kat on 9036 2306 or email

In April 2023, we were delighted to be a part of the inaugural Night Night Moon Gala Ball in aid of the Hunter Boyle Children’s Swim Program. A big thank you to everyone who attended the Gala and to the incredible businesses who support the event through sponsorship and prize donations. Funds raised are helping the program continue to provide crucial, life-saving swimming lessons and water education to children in the Goulburn Valley region.

If you would like to continue supporting the program, you can make a donation to help us supply the swimwear and accessories needed to get kids into the water.