Nursery furniture safety

Every year many Australian children need hospital treatment for injuries involving infant and nursery products. Therefore, when purchasing nursery products such as cots, high chairs, change tables and prams, it is not only the colour and style that you have to consider – child safety should be the priority.

Some nursery furniture products have mandatory standards which means that they require particular safety or information features to be included with them to be able to be sold in Australia. Mandatory standards are designed to help you protect your children, however they do not mean that a product is 100% safe – it is still important that you always follow any warnings and instructions for use that come with the product and that children are supervised while using the product.

Second hand nursery furniture products

Nursery furniture products are generally used for a short time and can remain in good condition, therefore many people lend, give away or sell products they no longer need or use. Many businesses also sell second-hand baby products.

If you are considering using second hand nursery products, it is important that they are in good condition and meet the current mandatory standards

Keeping Baby Safe – A guide to infant and nursery products

keeping-baby-safeThe ACCC’s Keeping Baby Safe resource provides some easy steps you can take to ensure your baby remains safe in your home. The booklet shows you what to look for when purchasing infant and nursery products and provides useful tips on how to use these products safely.

The resources is available as a PDF document, an eBook and an app. To download your copy today, please visit the Product Safety Australia website.