How to choose your first child car restraint for bub

Congrats! You’re expecting a new baby, got a bun in the oven, preggers, with child, eating for two, got a pea in the pod, expecting a visit from the stork. Whatever you choose to call it, it’s BIG – exciting, terrifying, overwhelming, spectacular – NEWS. There are a number of important items that you’ll need […]
“I wasn’t sure if he would make it”

Zoe ten Broek, Mum to 1-year-old Jax, has warned parents and carers of the dangers of graduating children from their rear-facing child car restraint too early, after a serious car accident left Jax fighting for life. In early July, Zoe strapped Jax into his rearward facing child car restraint in preparation for the 20 minute […]
Kidsafe Victoria E-News August 2020

It has been a tragic month for child injury in Victoria, with five little angels leaving us as a result of separate incidents – our thoughts are with the families during this harrowing time. Our focus this month has been on the dangers of button batteries, a campaign that we are very passionate about, as […]
A Rear Facing Child Car Restraint Saved My Baby’s Life

A decision we will be forever grateful for As the mother of adventurous and busy 12 month old Miles – who is ‘off the charts’ and is already wearing size 3 clothes – Hayley has encountered her fair share of advice and comments. None more so than when it came to making the […]