How do you explain to a 3-year-old why she can’t go outside and play?

Every week over 19 children are admitted to burns units across Australia and New Zealand. The location where over three quarters (76%) of these burn and scald injuries occur is the place we all believe should be the safest – our homes. Last June we shared a story about one of these children – little […]

[Pictured: Milla today] Milla was eight years old when she suffered severe burns to her lower body. On this particular day, she came home from a party feeling hungry, so she did what she’s done many times before and prepared herself one of her favourite snacks – some instant noodles. Usually, Milla would sit up […]
Her Burns Were So Deep – She Didn’t Look Like My Little Girl Anymore

June not only signifies the move into winter – it’s also National Burns Awareness Month, an initiative to drive greater awareness amongst the Australian community of the prevention and the correct first aid treatment for burns. Little Gracie’s story shows how burn and scald injuries can happen in a split second and the lifelong impact […]

[Pictured: Milla today] Milla was eight years old when she suffered severe burns to her lower body. On this particular day, she came home from a party feeling hungry, so she did what she’s done many times before and prepared herself one of her favourite snacks – some instant noodles. Usually, Milla would sit up […]
Nearly One Third of Children Do Not Receive the Recommended First Aid Treatment For Burns

Protect your family this National Burns Awareness Month Kidsafe Australia is urging parents and carers to take action to prevent burns as winter hits and ensure they are aware of the correct first aid measures if a burn does occur. The call comes during National Burns Awareness Month, an Australia-wide campaign focused on raising awareness […]