February 7, 2013
Partners & Alliances


St John

Kidsafe Victoria has collaborated with St John Victoria to include injury prevention content in their KIDS FIRST Course. This course is tailored towards parents, carers, grandparents and anyone else who has any contact with children aged 0-14 years. Not only does it cover the necessary First Aid treatments, but also integrates key injury prevention messages throughout.

St John Ambulance provide quality first aid courses & kits suitable for all ages locations. To view all available courses & kits, please visit http://www.stjohnvic.com.au/ Mention Kidsafe at the time of your booking & we receive a rebate which will assist us in our aim to reduce child injury.





Kidsafe Victoria seeks to build partnerships with like-minded organisations, facilitating a collaborative and strategic approach to child injury prevention. This is demonstrated through our active roles in:

Play it Safe by the Water committee:



These avenues assist us in remaining abreast of emerging issues, enabling us effectively stimulate public interest and awareness in relation to the prevention of non-intentional injury to children.