Kidsafe Victoria e-news November 2014

November e-news

Welcome to the November edition of Kidsafe’s e-news! An especially warm welcome goes out to our new subscribers from the recent Pregnancy Babies & Children’s Expo. Our monthly e-news will keep you up to date with what Kidsafe Victoria has been up to, as well as the latest safety information and recent product recalls.

In this month’s edition you’ll find information on keeping your home safe from drowning hazards, where to find our Sesame Street resources and our new Post Injury Support Portal.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for daily safety tips and information. Happy reading and stay safe!

Pet Bowls and Nappy Buckets- Finding hidden water hazards around the home.

iPad App - Water Safety Audit

The home is the most common location where toddler drowning incidents occur. Toddlers can drown in as little as a few centimetres of water, meaning that many common household items such as pet bowls and buckets can pose a hazard to young children.
Kidsafe’s Home Water Safety Audit helps you identify these hidden water hazards and gives you a set of tailored action items to reduce the risk of drowning in your home. The Audit takes about five minutes to complete and can be accessed on your tablet device, making it easy to check the areas of your house as you go.
We recommend that all parents and carers of young children complete the audit on a regular basis, to continually ensure children are protected from any water hazards.
To access the free App, please visit


Elmo Stays Safe

Elmo Stays Safe - iPad App and e-BookLooking for a fun and interactive way to teach young children about pedestrian safety? Kidsafe Victoria’s ‘Elmo Stays Safe’ App takes you on a trip to the park with Elmo and his Mum.
There are a range of activities for children to do, such as deciding when it is safe for Elmo to get out of the car and cross the road.
‘Elmo Stays Safe’ is a fun way for families to learn the importance of staying safe around cars, driveways, car parks and roads.
The App and e-Book are available for free from the iTunes store. To find out more, please visit


After a Serious Injury- Post Injury Support

While there are many steps we take to prevent our children from being injured, sometimes accidents happen. On average, 250 Australian children die and a further 58,000 are admitted to hospital every year due to an unintentional injury.
When these serious injuries do occur, it can be traumatic not only for the child involved, but also for their parents, siblings, other relatives and friends. Kidsafe recognises that the grief experienced by parents who have lost a child to injury can often be quite different to that of parents who have lost a child to other circumstances, such as illness.
With the support of the Ian Potter Foundation, Kidsafe Victoria has developed a Post Injury Support Portal that provides specialised information and advice (including information on what to do in the event of a serious injury), as well as links to services that may be useful during this difficult time.
For more information on the Post Injury Support Portal please visit


Warm Weather Warning

Warm Weather Warning - Do not leave children in carsAs we head towards summer, Kidsafe is giving a fresh reminder to parents and carers about the dangers of leaving children unattended in cars.
Temperatures inside parked cars can be 20-30 degrees hotter than the outside temperature, which means leaving children unattended in cars- even for a short time- can be fatal.
As part of the ‘Do Not Leave Children in Cars’ Campaign, Kidsafe Victoria is selling warning signs that can be displayed in car parks. The signs are $70 each and can be purchased from the Kidsafe website. For more information on the campaign, or to order the signs, please visit

Safety Tip of the Month


Child restraints that are more than 10 years old or have been in a serious crash should not be used.





Product Recalls

Toys “R” Us- Just Like Home Toaster

2014nov-home-toaster1The plastic toast may crack under pressure, breaking into small pieces. The small pieces may have sharp edges and pose a choking hazard to young children. Consumers should return the product to their nearest Toys “R” Us store for a full refund.

Northern Furniture Wholesalers- Baby Cot White

The cot fails to comply with Mandatory Standard AS/NZS 2172:2003. The adjustable mattress base creates a potential fall hazard for young children. Affected consumers should have been contacted by Palmerston Furniture & Bedding. For more information, please visit