Kidsafe Victoria e-news June 2015

June e-news

Welcome to the June edition of Kidsafe Victoria’s e-news. This month you’ll be introduced to Kidsafe champion Todd Hannett, who is taking on the challenge of Run Melbourne. You can also find some tips on how to prevent burns and scalds this winter and the most recent product recalls.

Don’t forget to like us on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date! Happy reading and stay safe, from the team at Kidsafe Victoria.


Todd Hannett takes on Run Melbourne Challenge to raise funds for Kidsafe Victoria

todd hannet

We are very excited to announce that our very own sub-committee member, Todd Hannett, is taking on the 10km distance in Run Melbourne next month and he’s doing it to raise money for Kidsafe Victoria!

We caught up with Todd to find out why he chose to support Kidsafe and what he is doing to prepare for the run!

What motivated you to enter Run Melbourne?
My friends have been doing charity runs for years now and I always said I would do one at some stage, but never followed through. When Kidsafe Victoria mentioned they wanted to do some fundraising through the event I thought it was a good chance to start. Plus, the opportunity to raise some much needed funds for a great charity was an added bonus.

Why did you decide to support Kidsafe Victoria?
I’ve been helping out Kidsafe on the Marketing and Fundraising Sub-committee for a few years now, so I have first-hand knowledge of the great work they do in the prevention of injury, death and disability in children. Some of their great ongoing projects include the hot cars and driveway safety education campaigns. These projects, plus many others, are hugely important and need regular funding. No matter how small a contribution, I know Kidsafe is extremely appreciative of any support they receive to continue their great work.

What is your individual fundraising goal?
Currently my goal is $500, but I’m hoping to meet this pretty early and up it to $1,000 or higher if things are looking good.

What does your training regime for the event involve?
I’ve been regularly going to the gym for a couple of months now (never done before) which has been really good. I’ve also had a few sessions with a PT to make sure what I’m doing will actually help in my training to run the 10km, so with his help we’ve created a training program. On top of this I’m going to start running when I can and work myself up to running 10km non-stop (from what I can do now, which is about 2km).

To help Todd in his fundraising efforts, you can donate by clicking on the following link:

All money raised will be put towards Kidsafe Victoria’s child injury prevention programs and campaigns.


Winter Woes: Burns and Scalds

winter burns

Burns and scalds are a major cause of serious injury for children. They are among the most distressing injuries that a young child can receive – they cause intense pain, often require long-term treatment and can cause lifelong disabilities and scarring.

The major causes of burn and scald injuries include hot water (e.g. in the bath), hot liquids (e.g. tea and coffee), hot food (e.g. two minute noodles and soups) and electrical appliances (e.g. heaters).

Thankfully, there are a number of simple steps that you can take to assist in reducing the risk of your child suffering a burn or scald, including:

  • Keep hot drinks out of reach of children
  • Ensure cords on electrical appliances and saucepan handles are out of reach of children
  • Have a qualified plumber set your water delivery temperature to a maximum of 50 degrees
  • Always test the bath temperature before you place your child in the water. The maximum bathing temperature recommended for young children is 38 ºC
  • Install guards around fire places and heaters

For more information on preventing burns and scalds, please visit:


prod recall june

Product Recalls

Next Retail Limited—”Next” Pink Fish Face EVA Sandal
Next Retail Limited—”Next” Pram Stripe & Plain Footbed Sandal

Both lines of sandals are being recalled as they have parts that may detach and cause a choking hazard. Consumers should cease using the product and contact Next Retail for a full refund. For more information, please visit the following links:

 Pink Fish Face EVA sandal:

Pram Stripe & Plain Footbed sandal:


eBay Trader “Crazymall”—Baby Walker
The baby walker does not have the required braking mechanism. Consumers should stop using the walker immediately and contact Crazymall to receive a full refund. For more information, please visit