Bequests – FAQ

What is a Will?

  • A Will is a document that provides instruction about the distribution of your property upon your death. It must be executed and witnessed in accordance with legal requirements


What is a legacy?

A legacy is when you make a gift of personal property, such as cash, real estate, a car to a named person or organisation in your Will.

There are different types of legacies – you can leave something specific (such as a house), you can leave a proportion or percentage of your estate or you can leave the residual of your estate after giving specific gifts to individuals or organisations.

KIDSAFE welcomes legacies of any type.


What do I need to do to get a Will in place?

We recommend you seek professional advice when preparing your Will. This is particularly important if you are considering leaving a legacy.

Wills are precise legal documents that are meant to determine the disbursement of your property in the way you wish. To ensure that your assets are distributed the way you wish, always seek professional help to prepare, or modify your Will.


How do I include a legacy to KIDSAFE in my Will?

As a starting point you may like to refer to the following suggestions for wording. However, to ensure that you prepare your documentation correctly, Kidsafe recommends that you always seek professional advice when preparing, or modifying your Will.

Specific legacy

I GIVE to KIDSAFE VICTORIA INC, whose head office is c/- Deakin University, School of Psychology, 221 Burwood Highway, Burwood VIC 3125, (insert specific item to be given) or the sum of (insert specific amount to be given) for its general purposes.

I declare that the receipt of the Chief Executive of KIDSAFE VICTORIA INC is a complete discharge of this legacy.

General or Pecuniary legacy

I GIVE to KIDSAFE VICTORIA INC , whose head office is c/- Deakin University, School of Psychology, 221 Burwood Highway, Burwood VIC 3125, the whole (or insert percentage) of my estate.
I declare that the receipt of the Chief Executive of KIDSAFE VICTORIA INC is a complete discharge of this legacy.

Residual legacy

I GIVE to KIDSAFE VICTORIA INC, whose head office is c/- Deakin University, School of Psychology, 221 Burwood Highway, Burwood VIC 3125, the residue of my estate.

I declare that the receipt of the Chief Executive of KIDSAFE VICTORIA INC is a complete discharge of this legacy.

What impact will my legacy have?

Legacies form a large part of income for Kidsafe Victoria. Without them, we would have to reduce the number of child injury prevention programs, resources and community support we offer each year. 


I’d like my bequest to be used for specific purpose or research. Can I do this?

You can choose a particular Kidsafe project that you would like to support. We would recommend you contact Kidsafe to discuss the specific details of your interest so we can help you achieve your wish.

Please note we prefer bequests for ‘general purposes’. This allows us the flexibility to direct the funds where they’re most needed, and priorities for projects and research can change over time.


What types of projects will my legacy be supporting?

Your thoughtful legacy allows Kidsafe to continue to work on valuable projects that support our mission of “Making a Safer World for Kids”. Some examples include

  • Speakers Bureau: Free community child injury prevention presentations provided to new parent groups.
  • Child safety advice line: Kidsafe receives hundreds of calls each week from individuals and organisations seeking resources and advice.
  • Editorials: Kidsafe provides regular editorials for parenting publications including Mothers Matter and Essential Baby, as well as for
  • Resources: Kidsafe has a range of child injury prevention resources available for the public. This includes fact sheets, posters and playspace resource kits.